
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Number five is alive!

Has it really been 5 whole weeks since Winston was born?  My how time flies!  He's certainly getting stronger and growing growing growing!  We've moved on from newborn to size 1 diapers, if you can believe it!  And we took him to church for the first time today.  There is a family in the ward who had a baby girl, the day before Winston.  When her dad saw Winston at church today, he made us go compare babies--he said Winston is huge compared to his daughter!  Whit and I didn't think he was that much bigger, but he was definitely longer.  Anyways, it's fun to see him grow!

 He likes to sleep with his hands by his face, they end up in some pretty silly poses :)
 I can just hear him saying, "Grandma, why did you put my hat on crooked?"
  As my former roommate Melanie calls it, "soft hands."

 I think we finally captured the startled look!
 He has been so fussy lately.  For some reason he cries whenever he is not held.  I can't figure it out!  We have tried putting him in a swing, but he doesn't like that at all.  So we went and got this little bouncer that vibrates, hoping that this would be something he likes.  So we put him in it and he loved it, for about 2 minutes.  So then we put in the heart beat bear, and that calmed him down, for about 30 seconds.  Then he looked like this:
 This is the Winston we know and love.  He has cried so much this week, that this is how he looks most of the time.  But yet, all we have are these sweet, serene photos.  I think I just take pictures when he is calm, so I can look at them when he is crying and remember that he was calm once, for a few minutes at least!  :)

According to my calculations, each of these squares is about 3 inches wide, which makes Winston about 24 inches long.  That means he has grown an inch a week!  At this rate, it will take him another 52 weeks to grow to 6'4", which would make Whit happy.  Aren't there only 54 weeks in a year?  So we're going to have a 6'4" one year old?  Wouldn't that be something...Guess we'll just have to wait and see how long Winston can keep up with the growing 1 inch a week thing :)


  1. So many things I love about this post! I love the soft hands! He has such a cute face and I need to come visit ASAP because he is adorable! Oh, and there are 52 weeks in a year. ;) I will be in touch...

  2. What a beautiful little boy! Seriously! Okay, here's my recommendation for the fussiness. Call your doctor and ask to TRY reflux meds. Sometimes that is the only way to know if they are suffering from reflux. I just learned that not all reflux babies vomit! Sometimes it's more like heartburn. If the meds work, then TADA! He will have relief until that muscle gets fully developed. If not, at least you can rule it out.

  3. We love him! Refux? Spoiled? Missing Grandpa and Grandma?
