
Friday, March 25, 2011

Two Peas in a Pod

I thought this was pretty funny. But it's kind of a sappy post so I won't be offended if you don't read, or even if you read it and then gag afterwards :)

So, I've been complaining for months about how much Whit has been working. I'm sorry. But it's been a hard thing for me, I think mostly because I have been feeling icky with morning sickness and it's no fun to feel not good when you are home alone all of the time. I kind of like being babied a bit, and Whit's really good at that when he's home. So I've really missed him a lot!

Well, I decided I needed to have a better attitude and realize that at least I didn't have to work that much, and I am so grateful to have such a hard working husband :) Plus, all of the overtime pay that he's been getting has been wonderful to put towards our baby fund. So it really has many positive benefits, and I'm trying harder to focus on those.

This week however, was especially rough. The deadline was Friday at noon, and Whit said they still had tons left to do. So he got up at 4 a.m. on Monday morning and went to work! He worked all day and didn't get home until midnight. Repeat that on Tuesday and Wednesday. So by Thursday he was so super exhausted. We accidentally slept through his alarm that morning, and didn't wake up until the late hour of 5 a.m.! So he jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes, and left right for work. They still had a lot left to finish up, so he called around 7 to say that he would probably be really late coming home that night.

I felt so bad he had to work so much and was so tired! I wanted to do something nice for him, to let him know how much I appreciate it. So I came up with the idea to make him some orange juice and blueberry muffins, since he likes those. I thought that was pretty clever, since when he came home it would be early morning. I thought that would be a fun snack and then he could take some for breakfast if he had to go back in on Friday. So I wrote a little note and left it all out on the counter and went to bed.

I woke up Friday morning at 4, and Whit wasn't home. I called and he had to work all through the night! I told him I would bring him in a treat when I got into work. So I took him the muffins and the note, and he just looked beat! So I told him to call me when he was done and I could drive him home. He called at 11 and said he couldn't work any longer. So he drove to my work, I hopped in the driver's side, and saw some flowers in the back seat!

Whit told me that he wanted to surprise me. He got the flowers the day before and was going to set them out on the counter so I would see them on Friday morning when I went to work. He was bummed that he never made it home so he could do that. I just thought that was so sweet!

So here I was, trying to do something nice for him--and he did the same thing for me! Great minds really do think alike! :) Aren't we just too cheesy for words?


  1. that's super sweet Brooke!! AND I DIDN'T know you were going to have a baby already!! That makes me so happy. :)

  2. Aw, that's really sweet! What does Whit do for work that keeps him so busy?

  3. Very sweet - I love a good sappy story! However, (by the title) I was expecting this to be a post about finding out you were expecting TWINS!!! ha hahaha - this was still pretty awesome, though!

  4. You two are so meant to be! I love it! Can't wait to see you in May
