
Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Winston!

Can you believe it?  Our little guy turned 1!  What's even harder to believe is that I have managed to blog for every week of his first year.  I don't know what makes me more excited, the fact that Winston's reached this great milestone, or the fact that I no longer have to blog every week.  Yay on both accounts!!!  :)
 Wednesday was his actual birthday, and so we sang to him and lit a candle.  He was fascinated by the flame and first tried to hit it and then tried to eat it :)

 Later in the week I got out his toy box and he was happily playing on the floor.  I could hear a little sucking noise, and came over to find that he dug up one of his old pacifiers.  He didn't like them at all when he was little, but now he thinks they are quite fun to play with.

 Saturday we had a little party for him.  Doesn't he look thrilled?

 Since Winston is (in part) named after his dad's fishing rods, I decided it would be cute to have a fish themed party.  He loves goldfish crackers, so we had them on all of the tables.  My sister made this fabulous fish cake for him.  She is so creative and talented!  I was impressed :)

 Here is the birthday guy with some of his Anderson cousins.  Everyone was so nice to travel our way to help us celebrate.  Winston had so much fun watching everyone play and eat and try to make him smile :)

 He had a great time opening presents and has loved having some new toys to play with.  Thanks everyone!

 I'm still jealous of his eyelashes!

 Blowing out his candle...

 When we put the cake in front of him, he went straight for the frosting.  I'm not particularly fond of messy kids, so I ended up taking the cake away and feeding him a couple of bites with a fork.  He is definitely part Christensen, he loves anything sweet!  He gobbled up as much cake as I would give him, which wasn't very much.  I'm so mean.  But he was getting tired...

And finished off the night with a bang!  I'm learning it's best not to plan things that will interfere with bedtime. For some reason, Winston doesn't think it's cool to stay up late.  I'm hoping that phase will last a really really really long time.

So happy first year Winston!  You have brought more joy and love into our lives than we ever could have imagined.  You are the best thing that has happened to us and we are so glad you are who you are.  I love every bit of you and can't wait to see what this next year brings!


  1. Wait! You are going to blog every week with the second one, right? Otherwise, you've already picked favorites without having met the second child. That's not very nice at all! :)

  2. have to keep blogging. I promise you will be so happy you did it. Keep up the good habit. I blogged for a few years and then stopped for a year and have been back at it for over a year now (once a week, its doable) and am so happy I've done it, but sad about the years I missed. Plus I love to see pics and hear the goings on of your cute family.
    I love the picture of you helping him blow out the candle.
